While roses are available most of the time, not all varieties of roses are available all year. Flower Carpet and Drift Roses are generally available year round in containers. Traditional roses (Hybrid Teas,Floribundas, Grandifloras, and Climbing Roses) are also available throughout the year usually in 5gal containers. However, certain varieties, especially the new introductions, are often only available during the bareroot season and in the Spring to early Summer. Check out the list below to see what varieties we will or have received during our bareroot season.
Bareroot Roses are available for a limited time each year. They are generally available from the 1st or 2nd week in December until the end of January (some times into early February). Bareroot Roses are a great value. They are a better price than when they are in a container, and many of the new varieties being released for the upcoming year are available for purchase. You may be wondering what bareroot means. Each year, we are able to get one shipment directly from the main rose growers, which helps give us a larger selection and also provides you, the consumer, with a better price than what you would normally pay for a rose throughout the rest of the year. Many years ago, the roses came literally bare root without any soil around the roots much like our bareroot fruit trees. However, while the roses still come bare root, they are packaged in peat pots with a soil medium around the roots that helps keep the roots moist. Being packaged this way gives you a longer window of when you can plant them once you have purchased the rose in addition to the added detailed information that comes on the rose package. Bareroot roses make great gifts for family and friends. You can give a rose plant that will live for many years and keep giving beautiful, fragrant roses year after year. It beats just buying a bouquet of roses that will only last a week.
Our primary supplier of bareroot roses is Weeks Roses. They are one of the top growers in the rose industry and provide high quality plants.
Below is a list of roses that we anticipate receiving for the 2024-2025 Bareroot Season (December 2024 - January 2025). This list doesn't mean that these roses are always available, but gives you an idea of our initial shipment. We will have many of these varieties throughout the year and several others not listed here as our local growers make their roses available to us. The widest selection of containerized roses is in the late Spring through early Summer.
Click to View Pictures of Some of the Roses that Will Be Available