Shade Trees

Benefits of Shade Trees
Trees provide a number of benefits to your yard. Besides adding beauty to your yard and home, when properly placed trees can help cool down your home in the summer. They can also provide privacy from neighbors, a home for wildlife, and improve the air we breathe. We carry a wide variety of trees year round, and we can help you decide which tree or trees would be best for your yard.

Deciduous Trees
Deciduous trees are trees that drop their leaves in the winter months. These trees have the benefit of providing shade through the summer and can help keep your home cooler from the summer heat. And in the winter months, since they drop their leaves, they allow the sunlight to warm your house. Also, many of the showy flowering trees are deciduous. These include Magnolias, Crape Myrtles, Flowering Cherries, Flowering Plums, Dogwoods, and Redbuds.

Evergreen Trees
Evergreen trees are trees that keep their leaves year round. These trees are great for providing screening and privacy all year long. Also, they provide beauty to the yard even in the winter months when many trees have lost their leaves. Some of these trees include arbutus marina, fruitless olive trees, evergreen magnolias, podocarpus, photinia, pittosporum, and tristania.