Why Plant Perennials?
Perennials are a must for every garden. They tend to flower for longer periods than traditional shrubs, and bring a softness to the garden. In addition they can help provide important food for bees, butterflies, birds, and other pollenators. Also, perennials are generally pretty drought tolerant and can handle dry conditions once established.
Many Options
There are many great perennials available. Whether you are looking for plants to attract hummingbirds, butterflies, or to just add color in your yard, we have great choices for you. Some of the popular perennials include lavenders, salvias, teucriums, yarrow, milkweed, echinacea (cone flower), limonium (statice), lion's tail, penstemon, geraniums, coreopsis, calylophus, bee balm, gaillardia, verbenas, echiums, kangaroo paws, and gaura.
Perennials that Attract HummingbirdsPerennial Maintenance
Because perennials flower more frequently, typically they need to be pruned lightly occasionally during their blooming period to remove the dead flowers and make room for more flowers. In the winter months, perennials should be trimmed back to prepare them for their next years blooming period. Perennials should be fertilized at least once in the spring, once in the summer, and once in the early fall for best performance. We recommend the EB Stone Rose & Flower Food or Master Nursery Master Start.